Summary of Required Items

The following list contains the items that must follow the instructions in this Thesis Manual: 

  1. The title page and page ii are not numbered, unless page ii contains the copyright.
  2. Table of Contents page provides an outline of the information contained in the thesis.
  3. All chapters must be double spaced.
  4. Proper margins must be maintained on all page (1.5 inch on the left and 1 inch on the other three sides).
  5. The thesis must be consistent in style and format.
  6. Pagination and page number locations are 0.5 inches above the bottom of the page and centered, for Preliminary pages, 0.5 inch inches below the top of the page and 1 inch from the right edge, for Text pages.
  7. Titles of tables are always at the top of the table; titles of figures are always at the bottom of the figure. Only the first letters of the principle words are capitalized.
  8. The first line of every paragraph is indented 0.5 inches, and a period at the end of a sentence is followed by one space.
  9. Section headings are separated from the text by a double spaces, both above and below. 
  10. Second order sub-sections may indented 0.5 inches (optional), but must have the text following on the same line. 
  11. Complete references are required and are found in the Bibliography, located at the very end of the manuscript.
  12. The final thesis must be converted to PDF, before it is uploaded.
  13. The thesis adviser’s signature must be on the title page of the final thesis PDF, and the title page must be the same size, color and orientation as the rest of the document.