Academic Honesty

For Students: Please refer to the Code of Academic Honesty section of the Student Handbook.

For Faculty: The Academic Honesty Reporting Form is located here. Please read the process overview and view the flow chart below prior to filling out the form.

Academic Honesty Process Overview

The process outlined below is meant to guide faculty members in addressing and responding to alleged violations of the academic honesty policy. The designated dean of academic discipline (DDAD) is the point person in assisting faculty members to address violations of the academic honesty policy. For more questions regarding the academic honesty policy, please reach out to the DADD or review the Code of Academic Honesty section of the Student Handbook.

  1. The faculty member is aware of a possible violation(s) of the academic honesty policy and should communicate with the DDAD. The faculty member may directly report the incident or ask questions for clarification for their specific case before or after discussions with the student(s). They should not discuss specific details or identify the student with other faculty or staff members other than the chair of the major’s department, the DDAD designated staff, and Academic Grievance Committee members, should that become necessary. 
  2. The faculty member schedules a meeting with the alleged student(s) to discuss the alleged violation. The possibly violations of the academic honesty policy include:
    • The misrepresentation of any work submitted for credit or otherwise as the product of a student’s sole independent effort, such as using the ideas of others without attribution and other forms of plagiarism
    • The use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations
    • The acquisition, without permission, of tests, answer sheets, problem solutions, or other academic material, when such material has been withheld from distribution by the instructor
    • Deliberate and harmful obstruction of the studies, research, or academic work of any member of the Illinois Institute of Technology community
    • Making a material misrepresentation in any submission to or through any office of Illinois Tech to a potential employer, agency, professional society, meeting, or organization, which includes, without limitation, any unauthorized access to Illinois Tech’s digital or electronic systems for the purposes of altering or seeking to alter, or submitting or seeking to submit false, misleading, or inaccurate information
    • The intentional assistance of others in the violation of the standards set forth in the Code of Academic Honesty
  3. During the meeting with the student(s), faculty members should address the following:
    • The nature of the complaint
    • Why the issue(s) is a violation of academic honesty
    • Evidence of the violation
    • The opportunity for the student to address the complaint
  4. After meeting with the student(s), the faculty member should make a determination based on consultation with the DDAD. The faculty member can make the appropriate sanctions:
    • Warning
    • Reduction in grade (a reduction in grade for the assignment or exam involved or for the course may be applied) 
    • Failure of assignment
    • Dismissal from course (*requires written support of the DADD*)
  5. Faculty member communicates with the student during the meeting about the determination.
  6. Faculty member submits the “Academic Honesty Reporting Form” after the determination is made. 
  7. A student who believes that his or her record is factually inaccurate must inform the vice provost for student affairs and dean of students ( within seven calendar days of the date they become aware or should have become aware of such inaccuracy.
  8. If a student has been found to have committed one or more prior violations under the Code of Academic Honesty, the DADD may forward the complaint to be heard by the Academic Grievance Committee. 

Flow Chart

Academic honesty Flow Chart

Please see the Student Handbook for more information on Code of Academic Honesty.

Illinois Institute of Technology expects students to maintain high standards of academic integrity. Students preparing for the practice of a profession are expected to conform to a code of integrity and ethical standards commensurate with the high expectations society places on practitioners of a learned profession. No student may seek to gain an unfair advantage over another. The Code of Academic Honesty is explained in the university's Student Handbook and all students are expected to know and adhere to this code.