Academic Probation

A student whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.0/4.0 is no longer in good standing and must petition the Office of Academic Affairs for permission for provisional enrollment by submitting a Graduate Probation Contract (Form G702). In certain cases, a Remediation Plan may be required as advised by the Graduate College and at the discretion of the academic unit. Students for whom provisional enrollment is granted must not earn a semester GPA less than 3.0 while on academic probation. Probationary students who receive “C” or “E” grades will be required to repeat courses, subject to the limits specified within this bulletin, to improve the cumulative and/or program GPA. Registration is restricted to nine credit hours, during the probationary period, until the student is returned to good academic standing.

Dismissal will occur when a student fails to make the requisite academic progress during the probationary period. Students may not register for a co-op while on academic probation. If a student’s major GPA in his or her program is below 3.0, then graduate courses may be added to the program until the corresponding GPA is at least 3.0, with the approval of the academic adviser, unit, or department, and the Office of Academic Affairs.